Lube oil blending plant, lube oil bender, Lubricant Blending Plant
Lube oil blending plant – Plant includes – 3 lube oil benders, 5 additive tanks, 3 base oil tanks, 5 manufactured lube oil storage
tanks, Thermic Fluid Heater, automatic filling & packing lines, blow molding machine & advanced laboratory setup.
Lube Oil Blending Plant consists of: Lube oil blending and additive mixing is a fully automatic batch process which is performed within multiple parallel lines, each consisting of one additive weighing and mixing vessel and blender
Advanced features of above plant
Lube oils may be categorized by:
Type of application
SAE viscosity grade
Lube oil manufacturing process:
Different type of base oils & additives are stored into their respective storage tanks According to recipe for any particular lube oil
which is to be manufactured, raw material is transferred to lube oil blenders, then blending process is done under particular temperature as needed
While manufacturing process is going on, lube oil is tested in laboratory to make sure that it meets all desired specifications
Once lube oil is manufactured as per the specifications & has passed from all laboratories tests then it is passed through very fine filters to make sure that no foreign particles are present in it and then it is transferred to storage tanks It is then packed into bottles by automatic filling and packaging systems and distributed in market This whole manufacturing and packaging process is
done by automatic systems.
Different types of base oil are available in market like – SN 150, SN 500, Mineral base, Synthetic base, etc. Also two types of additives are available as – Mono grade additives & Multi grade additives. Our customer (Lube oil blending plant owner/director) may choose type of base oil and additives according to suggested by chemist or lube oil recipe consultant. Viscosity Index Improver is also a type of additive only
For making Lube oil below mentioned equipments are involved in blending (manufacturing process)
1. Base oil storage tanks
2. Additive storage tanks
3. Polymer diluter (for VII making)
4. Lubricant blenders
5. Filters
6. Pumps
7. Thermic fluid heater
8. Sensors
9. Control panel
10. Base oil storage tank